Panelistimme ovat olleet mukana mm. JCI Europen komiteoissa, koulutuksissa ja twinning-toiminnassa sekä matkustaneet kansainvälisiin kokouksiin ja muihin tapahtumiin (esim. purjehdustapahtumaan JCI Regattaan Kroatiassa). Monet panelisteistamme ovat olleet vastuutehtävissä omassa kamarissaan tai kansallisella tasolla – jopa Euroopan tasolla. Panelistit julkaistaan Facebook-tapahtuman seinällä.
Tapahtuman aikataulu:
17.30 Pk-seudun kamareiden esittäytyminen ja koejäseninfo
18.30 Tauko
18.40 Kansainvälisiä kamaritarinoita -paneelikeskustelu
Tapahtuma järjestetään MOW MOTHERSHIPin tiloissa osoitteessa Pieni Roobertinkatu 9, 00130 Helsinki. Tapahtuma on tarkoitettu pääkaupunkiseudun koejäsenille ja jäsenille sekä koejäsenyydestä kiinnostuneille.
Ilmoittaudu mukaan täällä.
The event can be held in English in case we have English speaking participants. Description in English below.
Welcome to join the trial member evening organized by the chapters of Helsinki metropolitan area. The event will consist of an info session for trial members from 17.30-18.30 and continue with an International JCI stories - panel discussion from 18.40-20.00.
As a global organization JCI offers its members all kinds of opportunities to develop a global mindset and build an international network. We have invited internationally accomplished Jaycees to talk about their international JCI experiences from home and abroad. Our panelists have been actively involved in JCI Europe's committees, trainings and twinning, as well as travelled around the world to conferences and other trips like the sailing event JCI Regatta, just to name a few! Many of them have had the role of International Officer in their chapters or on national level. The panelists are announced in the Facebook event.
Join us in a relaxed evening on 13th of September 17.30- 20.00 at MOW MOTHERSHIP located in the center of Helsinki (address: Pieni Roobertinkatu 9, 00130 Helsinki).
The event is open for both trial members and members from the Helsinki metropolitan area as well as for those who are interested in becoming a trial member. Register here.